‘Captain Marvel’ Will Have Some Familiar Faces

Captain Marvel - Brie LarsonCaptain Marvel is one of the big movies that we will see come Marvel’s phase four in their extremely popular cinematic universe. Several months ago, it was announced that Brie Larson would take on the role of the wonderful female super hero.

There has been a lot of back and forth, or bullshitting, that has gone on considering Captain Marvel’s first appearance. There were reports stating that the Russo brothers confirmed an appearance in Avengers: Infinity War. However, later reports stated that her part in the movie was cut. Will she be in it? That’s the least of our worries as the Avengers have their hands full fighting Barney on steroids, better known as Thanos.

Anyhow, we have some confirmation on other aspects of the upcoming movie. Marvel announced that Clark Gregg, Djimon Hounsou and Lee Pace will all reprise their roles within the Marvel universe for Captain Marvel.

To clarify, Clark Gregg will be reprising his role as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Agent Coulson. If you recall, Agent Coulson died in the first Avengers. Although, Captain Marvel will take place in the 90’s making sense that Agent Coulson would appear. The same train of thought follows the reprising roles of Hounsou and Pace.Agent Couslon

Both Hounsou and Pace appeared in the first Guardians of the Galaxy as Korath the Pursuer and Ronan the Accuser. It is expected that those are the roles they will be playing in Captain Marvel. Additionally, “mother-fucker” Samuel L. Jackson is slated as Nick Fury in the movie. After the commercial and critical success of female lead , it’s a near certainty that Captain Marvel will be one for the books.




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